What others have said…
Thanks so very much. This is truly a magical site. My niece(Kadie Greise) & my nephew(Mason) are going to be so surprised. They are at the age where we want to keep the magic alive as long as possible. I wanted to make letters myself but knew they would know they are from me, so this is perfect. Thanks so much for your service. I can’t wait for them to receive their letters! Have a blessed Holiday season! Take care. – Tracy

I changed the message on the postcard, but everything else looks great. Thank you so much. Dylan (age 4) was so thrilled with his that he took it to his grandmother’s business Christmas party and showed it to “Santa.” Santa talked with him and acknowledged the letter was indeed from Santa. He was so thrilled. He was also thrilled with the photo of Santa with “whoever” – I don’t remember reindeer names. You are making a lot of little children happy and making Christmas and Santa Clause even more exciting for them. Thanks again. Shelby

I just wanted to tell you that I am really excited to get to edit and say some things that really needed to be said!!! My son first said he wanted a wii then xbox after santa already has the wii!! Just saying…THANK YOU!! – Karen

Oh My Gosh!! The letter showed up today!! My 5 year was beyond excited!!!! Thank you so much!! You all did a great job. Merry Christmas, Libby

Hello–I just wanted to say an ENORMOUS thank you for the second letter you sent for my son. I can’t tell you how thrilled he was to receive it–he had tears in his eyes when he opened it. Your company is wonderful and I will be gushing about you to all of my friends with children. Thanks again–Kristin

My 36-year old child has already received his awesome letter and he was just amazed 😉 Where can I leave my good feedback on your outstanding service? Thanks, have a good day. – Tatyana

My son loved his letter and postcard from Santa. We thought it was great too ! Will definitely order again…….Happy Holidays to you and your family. – Susie

Dear Head Elf Lora-
My son, Dawson Thornton (Columbia, South Carolina), got his Santa letter & packet in record time from when I placed the order! He was beyond thrilled as he opened the beautiful envelope and then took out each wonderful, special item!!!
I am certain I have seen that look of amazement & “wonder-ment” in his eyes since he got his own visiting magic elf (Jack) several years ago. That elf has since “moved on” to spend the holidays with other children…. Dawson had not ever really gotten over Jack leaving until your letter! The ability to personalize so much of the contents allowed me to send a special message about Jack from Santa to Dawson….as he read this part of the letter there was water in his beautiful eyes but a huge smile on his face as well as he knew his Jack had not forgotten him!!!
He could not believe that Santa knew so much about how hard he had worked this year to make sure he was a good boy (he’s actually a great boy– I have to brag)!
The picture of Santa vacationing is priceless.
Thank you so much for this service! It brought the magic of the season into our home again. Please make sure you keep us on your mailing list for future similar opportunities! Merry Christmas!cKathy

My little girl recieved her letter and she loves it! She had to take it to her grandmas and show everyone there and she talks about it all the time. You need a “write a review” spot becasue this is by far the best Santa letter she has recieved. See you next year – Effie

My granddaughter received her letter the same week I placed my order. She litterally just jumped up and down with delight! She has shown everyone “her” picture of Santa and his reindeer.
I have received all of your emails and am SO impressed with your follow-ups and custumer service!
Thank you for helping to make our family Christmas even more special! Jena

My Son got his letter right on time!!! HE was home sick that day and saw the mail lady arrive, he ran to the mail box and saw the blue shiny envelope and said “Mommy it came”!!! I can’t lie, I started to cry!!!! My son’s instant happiness gave me on overwhelming feeling of happiness myself. He could not believe that Santa really wrote back to him and took a special picture for him….The whole experience was great, thank you again, I look forward to seeing my sons face in June when he gets his postcard…. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas….Kristina

Hello, We received our letter, it was absolutely wonderful. I did this last year also and it was a big success. It was a repeat again this year. My daughter is 8 and I was hoping to keep her believing for a few more years and this was a huge help in keeping Santa alive. When she opened the letter she so excited, one because she got mail and also since it was from Santa. She also remember the postcard coming (which we still have). I think everyone in the neighborhood has had the letter read to them (numerous times) but the neighbors continue to be amazed every time.
She must have read the letter a million times and it gets better every time we hear it. The excitement in her voice and her amazement that Santa knew her name, address, pets names, and family.
Personalizing the letter is a great idea!
Thank you and have a great holiday – you have helped make ours one!!!!! Sincerely, Cindy

This is the 2nd year I’ve used the letter and I just love it! My son really loved the sparkle dust last year and was disappointed we didn’t get any this year. Maybe you could put some in a little baggy or something next year? Picture a 7 year old boy clutching his letter and dancing around the living room, shaking his butt and yelling OH YEAH! I made the list. Santa said I’ve been a pretty darn good boy this year! YESSSSS!!!! That made my Christmas season!

Our daughter is 4 years old. This is the first year we have written a letter to Santa and received one. She was so excited that she carried around the envelop for quite some time before we actually read the letter. I loved adding in her sharing challenge. Hearing Santa tell her he is proud of her learning to share made a big difference. The next morning, she couldn’t wait to tell her teachers and friends at preschool. What a wonderful gift for her.
I would suggest a spell check be run. It would be best if there were no missing words. I had 2 in my letter. It may have been my fault, but it would’ve been nice to have someone check it.
Will you have a different trinket offered next year? We bought Rudolph’s tag this year. It was a big hit. Dawn Marie

I am so pleased to share with you my son’s reaction to his letter from Santa. And I must say that I’m very touched that you want to join in the experience of my family.
My son’s letter came at the perfect time… it was like magic. We had just got in the house from picking out our Christmas tree. I turned to my 2 1/2 year old and said “You got mail” to which he replied “Oh! I got mail! Let’s open it”. So after his father and I put the tree up and turned on the Christmas lights, my son and I sat in the rocking chair next to out beautiful tree and I opened the letter. The first thing I showed him was the post card and he was thrilled to see Santa. I then read the letter. At the end of the letter, he said “The end” then turned to his father with the post card in hand and said “Put it on the tree Papa”. His father picked him up and placed the picture of Santa at the top of the tree where it still remains.
This is the first year that my son has any awareness of Santa Claus, and I’m thrilled that he gets to have that magic in his childhood. Furthermore, I’m happy that we shared this experience as a family. My son’s father and I are not together, but have made the effort to do family things so our son can enjoy the benefits of having both parents there in his life for those special events. I’m glad things worked out so wonderfully.
I have been very pleased with the work that you’ve done, and have given out your info to several people. I am a repeat customer. I have an album of each year’s letter so my son can hold on to that magic as long as possible.
Thank you. And Merry Christmas. Sincerely, Ana

Hi Magic Santa Letters: I have to tell you that my son is 9 years old and still “believes”. We had used a different Santa letter service all these years, but lost the contact information (and so did they, I guess) when I changed e-mail addresses. I found your site and am happy to say that my son was very impressed that Santa would send a photo of himself with one of his reindeer. He wondered whether Santa had received his letter, but luckily since you send your letters out so early, my son’s hadn’t gotten mailed yet so there was no reason for my son to doubt that Santa really knew him!!! He did ask if I thought Santa might send another letter after he received his letter and wish list, but I told him that Santa was very busy getting ready for Christmas and that he was a very lucky boy to have received one letter from him.
I really don’t know how much longer the “magic” of Santa will be in my son’s heart, but I want to prolong it as long as possible – they grow up so fast. He’s an only child, so it is especially important for me to hold onto those moments as long as I can.
Thanks so much for taking the time to write and ask for input. We certainly never got that from the other company we dealt with in the past. You really care about the recipients of the Santa letters and it shows. Keep up the good work. Hopefully, we’ll order another letter from your company next year (although, 10 years old might be pushing it a bit??????) Thank you, Kathleen

Yes I was very much so pleased with your letter sent out. It was well put together and all the little extras that I was able to purchese along wiht it made it well worth the time of sending. To Say the least the recipient was totally convienced that there is a real Santa..
Being able to add the little extra bit of the toys being made as he wrote the letter was a big plus..
So happy I found your site..- Judy

My experience with the santa letter as a mother has been great.. My child is seven and hitting the stage where she’s “if-fy” about santa.. All her friends and older cousins have been telling her that there is no santa.. So I figured this was probably the last year or chance i should say to try and keep her believing.
The day we received the letter we had gotten home from work/school.. It was about 5:00pm, so we were both pooped.. When she saw the bright blue envelope she walked pretty quickly to the mailbox; which by the way she cannot reach very well.. She saw that it was addressed to her and saw the north pole stamp it had on it so that imediately made her search for anything she could find to stand on and reach this envelope. She finally found a bucket, flipped it upside down and stood on it to get the envelope. Her eyes almost popped out of her head when she realized what it was.. She tried to show me the envelope, shaking it around and around…She then ran upstairs and called her father.. She tore it open and began reading. I kept a little bit of the basic outline the letter had so it wasnt until she got to the point where it told her that her mommy had told santa that she wasn’t waking up in the mornings for school that she turned to look at me and give me this look. It was one of those “MOM” looks… She kept reading and was amazed that santa knew so much about her. She was so exited that she couldn’t even finish reading the letter.. She stopped to ask me to finish it. At the end of the letter she told me, “mom, santa does know who i am.” By the time we were finished reading her heart was pumping very fast with exitement. She now believes in santa again and we will happily enjoy another year putting cookies and carrots out for him.
I am extemely happy with your service. The fact that I was able to adjust the letter and write unlimited words made me very happy. The postcard was very clear and not a bad photo copy of Santa. I am very happy that I purchased this letter and have recommended you guys to lots of my friends and family. Whether it be for a child or an adult.
Thanks again,
Sincerely, very happy customer, Isaura

My daughter is 11, probably too old to still believe since her school mates tell her there is no Santa, but our family still believes and we tell her that if you do not believe that Santa’s spirit will not exist. Therefore, she still writes a letter to Santa every year. She gets so much delight receiving the letter from Santa and is even more excited when she see that it is stamped from the North Pole. When she was in the third grade her class wrote to Santa and they received letters back from his elves. My daughter got a letter from Luna the Elf. She is in charge of making sure that all the presents get in Santa’s sleigh for all the children. Every year when I order the letter I make sure to include a message from Luna. She absolutely loves that Luna remembers her.
Your letters are very professional looking and the envelope that it arrives in is beautiful. I appreciate how realistic the letters are and I will continue to use your company in the future. I have recommended you to my friends and neighbors.
Mrs. Naomi

When I walked in the front door after a long day at work, my 2 oldest kids, ages 4 and 6, came running towards me with a large shiny blue envelope. My 6 year old exclaimed “Mom, it says it’s from Santa, from the North Pole, and it’s for us! Can we open it now!?” As we sat down and read the letter, my 4 year old giggled non stop. My 6 year old was more thoughtful, but whenever I read something personal, such as “…you are a good boy to try and remember to feed your dog, Libby..,” his eyes would get very large and excited. I think this was exactly what he needed to Believe. The kids at school have been spreading some awful Santa rumors and the magical letter from Santa truly has kept the Christmas Spirt brimming in our house this year. However, the thing that excited my 4 year old the most was the picture of Santa with Blitzen. She has proudly told and shown everyone about the picture Santa sent them. Thank you to Head Elf, Lora, and all of the other elves at Magical Santa letters for the wonderful service. As a parent, I really want to do everything to keep my kids excited and believing about Santa! Being able to personalize the letter, have it come in a shiny envelope with all of the authenticity of the North Pole, did the trick. And my mom wants to know why Santa didn’t send her a letter. Maybe next year.
Thanks again,

I would like to share my story with my 7 year old. Her 12 year old neice had just spent time with her and told her that Santa was not real. So, me and my sister were working double time to make her believe her cousin was just teasing her. I came across your website from one of the girls in our Brown Troop and immediately this was what i needed to do. I showed her that her name was on the “good List”, then i had the letter issued to her. Next year i think i will put more personalization into the letter, but it was right on key. She was so excited when she got the mail she brought it all to school for show and tell the next day, and the biggest hit of all was the picture of Santa and Blitzen.
It was just the thing i needed to convince my daughter that Santa was real if you “believe”, she was totally won over. Thanks for the great job you guys did on all the letters.

Hi Lora,
Santa’s letter arrived yesterday for Madison Wall and she was just thrilled–very magical–she couldn’t believe Santa knew all those things about her. She took it to school to proudly share with her 2 nd grade class today. She also loved the reindeer tag and the picture of Santa.
I searched and searched for a site that allowed me to completely write my own letter. I was able to save it in Word as well. That made your site the best for me.
Thank you for your great service and speedy delivery. I will remember you next year.

Just wanted to let you know that my daughter loved the letter! She is 9 and has been having some doubts about Santa but the letter and the picture of Santa sealed the deal (at least for this year!) She commented over and over again about the length of Santa’s beard and how he did have a ruddy nose :)! she couldn’t believe that Santa knew all about her school work and her dancing!
When I created the letter, I loved that I was able to completely customize it. It was also impressive that it was a real north pole stamp as well as a real return address…these are all details that my daugther absorbed quickly. And the authenctic signature!!!
Thanks for making this Christmas extra magical!

I want to share my experience of my daughter receiving “A Letter from Santa” My daughter is 7 years old 1st grade and was starting to question a few things about “Santa” So I decided to order a letter, magic key and Rudolph bells, and when she came home from school the day it came in the mail our neighbor girl was over and Jordyn (my daughter) was reading the outside of the envelope and just yelled “It’s from the North Pole” and both of them started to scream as little girls excited do. She opened the shinny blue envelope and was so excited the entire night. The next day she went to school and told everyone at school about her letter and key and bells that she got from Santa and let’s just say I received about 10 calls the following night from parents asking where I got the letter from.
So Thank you very much for helping with my daughter to believe again!!!! Pam

Hi. The letters were great and the kids were thrilled. The only “bad” thing is that my nephew’s arrived in the mail a day earlier than my niece’s letter, so she had a meltdown thinking Santa forgot her & she wasn’t getting presents! My sis thought quick & told her it was because her brother was older that he received his letter first….the next day her letter arrived. The packaging was neat and so believable. The kids loved the post card picture. With my nephew being 10 yrs old he can be a little hard to “fool”, my niece too but they truly believe they have letters from Santa. My niece even told the Walmart clerk about her letter.
I liked being able to customize the letter and view & make changes. I should have actually changed them a little more to be different but it was fine. Thanks again for this wonderful service. I am sure I will be sending letters next year & hopefully many more to come. Have a wonderful holiday season. God Bless.

First of all, thank you so much for creating such a neat website to begin with!!!! Such a wonderful idea!
We have an 8 year old daughter that has been really struggling with all the kids in school telling her there’s no such thing as Santa. We’ve always always encouraged her to believe in whatever she wants and no matter what anyone says to defer that, she should stay strong and stick with her beliefs.
This letter was JUST WHAT SHE NEEDED! She had sent me to work with a letter that she had wrote to Santa, asking all sorts of questions (ones she had of course asked me as well). This was the letter she wrote:
Dear Santa. This year I want …..an, MP3 player (for sure) And a Nintindo D.S., Pluss I want snowglobes! and last but not least I want a SURPRIZE
And I love your berd and your outfitt. Can you tell Mrs. Claus Hi and that she is beatifull. Did you ever go to school?
How did you learn how to train rainder and afford all that money to buy raindeer food? Oh one more thing! When did you and Mrs. Claus meet?
To: The Elfs and Santa & Mrs. Claus!
Sierra Mizell
Please write back Santa!
The fact that I could write the letter and answer all her questions, was amazing. Not to mention we just had a baby boy October 27, and I was able to talk about her being a big sister and about bringing stuff for Conner too! She was soooooooooooo excited to get that letter and she had to show me the “really shiny blue wrapper” it came in too! She hasnt’ stopped talking about it for 3 days now! Anyone that has stopped by our house along with our neighbors and her class and teacher at school has seen this wonderful letter that she got from Santa! Along with the picture of him and Blitzen — that was the icing on top of the cake for sure!
Again, thank you so so so so so much for helping my daughter continue to believe in such a magical idea! We just hope this will continue on for years to come! And we will be utilizing your website again next year and the years to come once Conner gets old enough to appreciate it as well!
Thank you again!

We just got the letter yesterday and my oldest daughter, age 9, had been told by some older kids on the bus that Santa wasn’t real and she was really questioning it this year. This letter did the trick. I was able to customize the letter exactly how I needed to. She was amazed that Santa knew so much and the picture with Santa and Blitzen was priceless because we had an opportunity to write something there as well and she had just seen real reindeer at Grandpa’s house so we added a line to the picture that was perfect. We spoke about the dog and her sisters and how Santa saw some of the good deeds she had been doing as well as her picking on her sisters when mom and dad weren’t looking. Let’s just say that we got another year of her beliveving from this letter. Santa added Rudolphs tag for one of her sisters and the Santa Key for the other sister so it touched them all. She checked the postmark as well as the return address. She was amazed….it was real! Thank you for giving us one more magical year! -Kim

I was so pleased with the letter you sent. I have used other companies in the past, but this year when she wrote to Santa she mentioned certain things and I wanted to be able to personalize the letter- that’s what drew me to your website.
When my daughter received the letter, I noticed the beautiful envelope right away. The seal on the letter was one thing my daughter noticed right away. The postcard was an additional bonus! She put that up on her bulletin board in her room right away!
This was a difficult year because alot of kids her age no longer believe in Santa. I think the letter really convinced her that her friends might be wrong. Her eyes just lit up!
Thanks so much for making this a very special Xmas for our daughter. I’ve already recommended you to several people.

My Maia has recieved her magical santa letter. It really was magical. I am so happy that I did that for her this year. She is in first grade now and some kids at school have tried to make her not believe. She has been brought to tears with the harrassment and more over the sadness she feels for the other children. She totally does not believe them and is really worried that Santa will not come to their house unless the begin to believe again.
So, we recieved the letter on Wednesday. That was great in itself because the letter only took 5 days to get to our house. Well, someone else in my family had retrieved the mail about three hours prior to me arriving home from work. So the shiny blue package remained on the table for that time…(my family did not want me to miss out on watching Maia’s reaction)…So, she had seen the package and wondered what it was, not knowing that it was addressed to her.
There was magic involved in every aspect of this service. First of all, it made me feel wonderful as a mom to keep the spirit of Santa alive for at least one more year. We are holding on to that for as long as possible, without having to tell lies. I have two other kids who are 13 and 10 and they do not believe in Santa anymore.
It was fun to be able to write out the letter and to customize it to exactly what I wanted it to say. This made it seem even more real, because I was able to change the wording in the letter to fit our exact traditions in our home. I liked that it did have a format and a base letter though because I don’t think I have quite the imagination to start from scratch. I had checked out some other sites that were less expensive, and I had even ordered from them for my two older kids, but the letters were completely cookie cutter letters. I was only able to edit the child’s name, city and friend…and then it was automatically populated into the letter. The higher price was totally worth it. Maia’s letter was so much better than the other two that I recieved. The other’s came in a 4X6 paper envelope and Maia’s was in a huge probably 9X12 shiny blue metallic envelope.
So my kid was completely jazzed just to get mail. Because she is 6, she does not really recieve any mail, and always wants to. So she finally recieved mail and it was from SANTA!!!
We all sat together in wonder and amazement as Maia opened her package. Enclosed was the blue Santa letter, a photo and I had ordered Rudolph’s name tag as well. Everything was so exciting to her and for me! She took out the letter first and read it. She read every word aloud to our family. It was just so special because she has just learned to read in the past year, but she made it all the way through the letter. She was completely amazed that Santa knew her friend’s name, he knew that we lived at Grandma’s house. He knew that our dog’s name is Spike. He knew EVERYTHING!!! Maia was sure that he must be visiting us nightly throughout the year to be able to know all of that stuff. The compliments in the letter about being a good girl, how kind she is and how well she does at school totally built her self-esteem. I could see the sparkle in her eye when she read those things. It was a moment of success for her. Someone really does notice, and someone really does think she is a good girl.
The photo was great…she kept touching it because it is a real photograph and she was totally amazed that Blitzen was in the photo. She squealed about how she had never seen a “real” reigndeer before. The Rudolph tag was alright I guess. She did not really understand what it was or what it was for. I had to explain that a few times and finally we decided that it was just a nice decoration that we could take out each Christmas.
She even called my mother and read her the letter over the phone.
The problem I ran into was that she wanted to tell everyone that she knew about the letter. She wanted to take it to school. She wanted to take it out to the neighborhood kids. She was just so excited that she wanted to share that excitement with everyone in the whole world! I had to calm her down and tell her…kinda little fibs…about how Santa did not have time to write to every kid in the world and that she was just very very special this year because he only chooses a few children to write to. I told her that the other children might be sad if she told them because they did not get one. I was afraid that the more people she told, the more chance there would be that they would try and convince her that she was stupid for believing this stuff.
That is what saddens me the most, that children lose their innocence and excitement and belief so early. I am 30 years old and to this day I know there is a Santa. I know he comes to my home every year…because think about it…I might set the presents out under the tree…but really what other month in the year would I have an extra $600 to spend on toys and games and books? Well, the spirit of Santa will live on in my home forever. I completely believe because he makes it happen for me every year.
Thank you for all of the joy you have brought to my family. That was the best $30 bucks I have ever spent.
Some suggestions I have would be…make some letter formats for older children and teens…have them talk about not believing and about the spirit of Santa. Maybe make a format to mention other gifts they have recieved in years past. Maybe have it mention the naughty things they have done and how they are forgiven because everything is in balance…or something along those lines.
Maybe you could create other gifts and/or packaging so the letters would be distinctly different for each child in the household. Even just changing the color of the envelope or the paper…like keep the same stationary but be able to choose from red, green and blue and have the foil envelope match. Be able to choose from like a candy cane or stickers or a Christmas ornament with the year on it. Those things would be cool.
Anyway, I think that is long enough. I cannot say enough about how totally rad this experience has been for Maia and our whole family. Thank you, Melissa

I want to say how wonderful this was for myself and my children.
I had Santa acknowledge the loss of my mother which my son Nick has been bottling up his emotions. He doesn’t even talk about her, as much as my daughter does. He was very close to his “Nona Adele” she practically raised him while we worked and when he read his letter and saw that Santa was saying it was ok and she will be watching over the kids on Christmas morning it finally let out some emotion from him.
For me I thought that this was way better than those generic Santa Letters. The picture with Santa and Blitzen was one of the greatest parts. Whenever people come over my daughter will take the picture off the refrigerator and show them all with excitement.
I will definitely have Santa write them next year.
Thank you

This is the first time I have used your service. Last year I used a different (cheaper) one. I chose you this year because I was running late, and I really needed the postmark from the north pole (my oldest child checks!)
Your service was great! The letters arrived much earlier than I had thought, considering the lateness of my order. The quality of the paper it was on, plus the embossed seal were very impressive, even to my children. They thought it looked more “official” than last year’s letter. They also LOVED the photo of santa and his reindeer, with a personal message on the back. The signature is also a nice touch. They even liked the big shiny envelopes! The whole package was very exciting to them.
I have 2 “believers” and an older skeptic, so being able to completely customize the letters for them is very important. They read each other’s letters and comment on the differences (and the similarities). They are amazed at how much Santa knows about them personally.
Despite the higher price, I think your service is much better than the one I chose last year, because of the higher quality and more items inside for the kids.
Thanks so much – Merry Christmas to you, too!

To whom it may concern:
I have to tell you my five year old daughter was OVER THE MOON about getting her “Magical Santa Letter”. She new right away from the packaging that that beautiful big bright blue envelope was for her…she was like…mommy mommy let me see if that letter has my name on it and when it did, she couldn’t open it fast enough. I read the entire letter to her and she was in awe of the fact that Santa new so much about her. I love that we can add anything to the letter to make it so much more personal. What totally made it was the great picture of Blitzen and Santa from Canada….my daughter hung it on the refrigerator and carefully kept taking it down to show EVERYONE who entered our house since she received it, but she won’t let anyone touch it because she doesn’t want to get fingerprints on her special picture. In fact last week she had show and tell in her kindergarten class, the theme was to bring something in that represented a winter holiday….can you guess what she brought in…Her picture of Blitzen and Santa and she talked all about it but wouldn’t let anyone touch it, but allowed her teacher to read the back of it to the class. I also made sure she received a Santa Key, since we don’t have a chimney…she keeps telling me we can’t forget to put it! I just wanted to say Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has made this possible and make everyone’s dreams come true by receiving special mail!
Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!